Hello Newman

Pidgeon-Holed would make a great title for a porn directed by David Mamet.

I like how Jim Jeffries calls them "is-is."

I'm gonna guess the reason for that has to do with licensing, not art.

Is it? What's the name of the advertising company?

boom roasted

It's almost like New York is its own character!

I don't know why she gets to "win" though. She'a an artist shitting on another artist's art in order to make a corporate advertisement dressed up as a feel-good statement about women in the workforce.

I'd respect the company and the girl statue if the company didn't advertise their firm on there. It's one thing to credit the artist, but once I heard that the company had their name printed on there too, I wasn't in favor of it anymore.

Her work is completely derivative of his, though. Without his work, hers has no meaning.

Mentioning race to draw distinction? Sounds like a textbook case of "Othering!" The Liberal Tribunal has banished you from the court! Choose: death… or exile!!!

Sometimes I like to just cozy up with a nice bottle of Jameson and a map of Libya and go to town.


"Everybody DRINK!"

Tig's certainly got a helluva lot more evidence, that's for sure. As opposed to something as bulletproof as "Jen Kirkman said."

Yes, it is pretty much the same 2 or 3 commentators.


I would read more Marx but there's only so many hours in the day, and these comments aren't going to write themselves.

I'm pretty socialist these days, but I acknowledge that it's disingenuous to pretend that we'd still have all the advances we do now if it weren't for capitalism.

It's how they separate themselves from the situation, by saying those people acted that way and that's why they faced those consequences. I would never act that way, therefore I have nothing to worry about.

Yep. My friends and I have always said a McDonald's cheeseburger isn't a cheeseburger. It's a McDonald's cheeseburger, which is something different.