Hello Newman

That's some helpful stuff.

Arlington Road.

And let's not all forget about What Planet Are You From?

Flames… on the side of my face…

Community set up their "inexplicably psychic school board member" back in season 3's First Chang Dynasty, when he gives Chang a shower organizer to which Chang replies "A shower organizer? Are you guys psychic?!"
I'm honestly not sure if the season 5 psychic joke is a reference to that season 3 one, since it seems so

I know Peanuts is one of the most beloved things out there, but I can't say I've ever so much as cracked a smile at one of the comic strips. I think Peanuts got a lot mileage out of the cartoons and specifically the theme song; without them, it's Family Circus with less (edit: fewer) Catholic ghosts.

Damon? Come on, everyone knows it was Clooney.

"Long story short…"
in unison: "TOO LATE!"

It's like you guys aren't even true fans of Community.

So they're taking the most iconic thing about Scream, and removing it. Sounds like it'll be a good show.

It's so sad how you can not see something for 25 years and feel like you just watched it this morning. Why is life so short?

Yeah, that was supposed to be the joke. Didn't land.

Can we please get a TV Club 10 for Hello Ladies already?

I got a shy bladder community notification for this?

Dude I was into her like 20 years ago

To be fair, though, Pete Davidson is super cute.

She lived above Dildopolis until she subletted her apartment to Annie Edison.

For me, the biggest laugh in the entirety of Breaking Bad comes from season 1…
"I'm going to tell them how you kidnapped me and kept an innocent pregnant woman in a… dank storeroom!"
"This is my office!"

My favorite is when he kicks the other dog.

All I've seen of this show is the "boyfriend" compilation on Youtube and it's one of the greatest things on Youtube.