Hello Newman

It's interesting, I think, that the last "son" to live in the White House also became President himself (siblings excluded). I mean, just think about it: since Bush I, there's been nothing but daughters under the Clinton, Bush II, and Obama administrations. The last time a son was in the White House, he himself became

Anna's gettin' upset!

Wow, I always knew the Adam Carolla hate was strong on here, but if the general consensus is that BJ Novak is somehow funnier and/or more talented than Carolla, then things are in far worse shape than I thought!

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I think it's disingenuous to pretend that X>Y and Y=0 are the same thing. It's an observation he's made based on his years working in comedy, and overall life experience. 
Look, let's cut through the shit - To the general you out there, in your life, do you personally

@olivececile:disqus Thank you for a well-reasoned input. There was never any doubt in my mind that speech was powerful, but what are sexist attitudes anyway? Are they the notion that one sex can be better than the other sex at virtually anything? If the answer is yes, then that means men and women are not different

@eric827:disqus Re-read it as many times as you need to.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus To your point, I am gay, so you can certainly make the argument that I have something against women as well. :)

I just really hate these unfounded criticisms, that's all. And sadly, this is what gives us liberals a bad name - the erroneous concept that words have exactly

It's true. Men and women are exactly the same on every issue in every possible way, and pointing out any difference between the two is, frankly, tantamount to stripping away women's suffrage. Plus, Carolla has a long, well-documented history of abusing women, both physically and emotionally. The man is definitely a

Well (and this is what @avclub-3ef00cbe8a65af09beddab1c55e103fd:disqus was referring to) nobody would know it since nobody is allowed to talk about it, but he's had his own crowd-funding campaign going on for the last month or so as well. So expect another movie out of him relatively soon. I'm sure it'll be all about

They only ignore him if there's anything positive to say about him. But if there's an opportunity to shit on him, believe me, they'll take it in a heartbeat.

Edit: Stupid joke.

Partially but not totally related - a year or two ago, our own Cookie Monster had a pretty amazing comment about the main difference between Americans and Europeans, as it pertains to how we treat our young, and how we let our young treat us. I think it had to do with puritanism - how in Europe, children are taught to

C'mon, what'd you think this was, a documentary on the subject?

@Patrick_Batman:disqus Wow. I hate to have to make this excuse, but I was unreasonably stoned when I wrote that, and honestly, I don't know what the fuck I was talking about. It doesn't make sense. You are indeed correct, and I apologize.

It's a fault of logic I can't help but think everyone else overlooks when discussing this "white people are responsible for all the horrors of the world" kind of bullshit. If white people are to blame for everything, then shouldn't white people be credited for everything as well? I'm not saying that we (I'm white!)

Once again, my favorite joke: How can you tell if someone is vegan?

Don't worry, they'll let you know.

It always makes me wonder how a show as amazing as Seinfeld could be as popular as it was/is. When I talk about it I feel like I'm talking about some cult show that only I know about, and not one of the biggest sitcoms of all time. Sometimes the populace gets it right. Not often, but sometimes.

"Liberal Twitter Tirade"

Tamara Holder was right on here. I mean, liberal? Really? What the fuck does that have to do with anything other than promoting the well-worn, Fox News-created association that "liberals = evil/stupid"? God, this shit disgusts me. Fuck Sean Hannity and his inflammatory garbage.

and an "e"!