Hello Newman

In my day meth was white! None of this blue shit I've seen around New Mexico.

1. seinfeld seasons1-7 2. curb season 3. 3 office seasons 3 1/2 - 5 4. roast of charlie sheen 5. the bundy's  6. the king of queens 7. breaking bad season 5 8.  always sunny episodes 12, 16, and 55 and second half of 62 9. big bang theory series finale 10. everyone loves raymond

It's the implication.

In order to manage risk, we must first understand risk. How do you spot risk? How do you avoid risk, and what makes it so risky?

Nope, that's the season 9 premiere, "The Butter Shave."

He went back to his home planet.


How come they didn't use any wide, exterior shots of the castle?

Yeah, I noticed that too. Kinda brilliant.

Who said anything bad about America?

Hank's Look Around Cafe: Where you… and your food… go on an adventure.

Yeah this has echoes of the "Austin Powers Actor Raped People" story. You see the words "Austin Powers" and you think "Holy shit, Mike Myers is a rapist?" only to actually read the story and find out it's the guy who was essentially a glorified extra. These are still all sad stories, of course, I'm just sayin'… who

Greendale Community College

McFarland and MacFarlane are totally the same name! Spelled the same, too!

Yeah between this show and the Walking Dead, my Sunday nights are now full of "estranged, reunited couple hugging while one hugger looks at a third party over the shoulders of the other hugger" shots and it's lame.

Hate the drake!

Here's a cool story bro for you: Shared an elevator with Garry Shandling a few weeks ago (my office building has a physical therapist that apparently caters to some celebrity). I didn't say anything during the elevator ride itself — mostly because Shandling was busy conversing with the physical therapist himself,

Do you (or anyone reading this) happen to know the name of that? I had an odd memory of it recently and thought I had made it up.

CEO of Ingen John Hammond?

Well, it's been 6 months - what'd ya think?