Hello Newman

I didn't appreciate that song until I saw Chris Martin perform it on "Extras" - it's pretty great, especially that second half indeed.

So they ARE friendly with Seth MacFarlane!

It "stinks" only because of what has preceded it. With regular episodes there are no expectations, you just tune in and expect to laugh. With a finale, especially one of a show so popular, you suddenly have expectations - "How are they going to wrap all this up?" And I admit, as a 15-year old watching that finale, I

And now I'm off to Burger King!

Death to Smoochy is one of my all-time favorite movies. Great casting and some very stylish direction on DeVito's part. Plus, Jon Stewart is the fourth male lead.

He's also my superintendent, Silvio!

Don't! It's better than you remember it. Watch the unsyndicated version sometime (again, it's been 13 years for most people unless they own the DVDs). It's a fine finale with some solid jokes.

Last movie Dabney Coleman's ever starred in, I believe.

UMD, let's not forget the fact that the title of the 6th episode of the 1st season of both Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Wire is called "The Wire." Larry David Simon?

Medium shot: "Fumblerooski!"
Close-up shot: "Fumblerooski!"

Gotta go with 1999's "Arlington Road" on this one. Boom.

Maybe it's just possible that most sitcoms hit their apex of quality somewhere between seasons 2 and 4? Enough groundwork has been laid about the characters where you really care about them and will then laugh at and understand their actions, arcs or otherwise, but at the same time it hasn't gone on long enough for

The pita pocket prevents it from dripping! The pita pocket!

He took… it out.

Don't forget, he's still only a few months past Jane's death. That was an incredibly strong emotional relationship for him, despite how relative little we saw of it, and I think that passion, and then having it stolen from him (because of the very life he's chosen to live) awoke whatever love he has in his heart. I

Yeah! I just bought the Steve Ballmer model and I think it's broken, he just keeps saying "Developers" over and over again. And hemorrhaging sweat.

If you'd watched it then you'd know how impossibly close Walt came to telling Jesse about Walt's being responsible for Jane's death. I would have prefaced this with a spoiler warning, but you deserve no such warning.

Anybody else see a visual connection between Gus losing half his face and the half-charred pink airplane teddy bear from season 2?

You have successfully convinced me to no longer enjoy Futurama.

Chaw, chee-chaw, chee-chaw