Hello Newman

So, this My Little Pony stuff, this… this is still a thing, huh?

In hindsight you can look back on it and say that it's quite slow (especially compared to the manic pace of Seinfeld's later seasons), but I still think the pilot - despite the lack of Elaine and Kessler's lack of Kramer - is pretty indicative of the few seasons that followed after it. It was slow (not boring, but

I remember being about 8 or 9, probably younger (I'm 28 now, so I don't know exactly when it was that I watched this shoe, but whatever) and having my first gay feelings towards David Lascher, who played Ted. I didn't even know what gay feelings were. I just knew I was attracted to him, even though I didn't know what

At least Hollywood entertains us.

It's like an ice cream man named Cone!

I love Pink Floyd dearly (really, post-"Meddle", including Echoes) and have never heard of either of those songs. Sounds like I'm not missing much though.

It seems I'm the only one who actually enjoys watching Real Time with Bill Maher.

His response of "Oh is there such a thing?" and the look on his face is just incredible.

Stay out of my territory.

Yeah, like Space Pope said, almost none of them were like that! Except all the ones that were!


Jerry: "This is like that Twilight Zone episode where the guy wakes up and everybody else is different!"
Kramer: "Which one?"
Jerry: "They were all like that!"

Deleted monologue of Peterman's from "The Friar's Club," one John O'Hurley can still recite to this day, as explained in the DVDs…
"Elaine, do not worry, for I, too, am no stranger to love on the clock. As a young lad my father apprenticed me to a honey factory in Belize. The chief beekeeper there was this horrible hag

No you're not. He stands alone.

It was the guy they kept calling "Andy"

Now that's a complaint.

Not sure which Curb you were watching, but I thought it was pretty widely accepted that Curb's Seinfeld season was one of the best things it's ever done.

You've got to get in that zoo, Larry. Get up in that zoo and tear it apart.

Also, PETA's slogan. Actually, flip that around.

For me, I'd heard about Chevy Chase (the actor) but never Chevy Chase (the area) until I visited my friend at George Washington University, when we were both in college. I was shocked that they'd named entire sections of Maryland after famed comedian Chevy Chase, but I believed it.