
I'd love one of those Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department backpacks.

Kevin Eldon really should have stayed in Braavos.

Gillian's whole story was heartbreaking, I couldn't say I had a favorite moment.

She is her mother's daughter, and her famous decision to have no titles conferred on her children (in order to give them as normal a life as possible) displayed a great deal of common sense. It is a shame the antiquated succession laws have always barred her from the throne, because she's more of a king than all her

My favorite Royal fracas, the attempted kidnapping of Princess Anne. From the Wiki:

Claire Keelan is a good comedian in her own right, it's a bit of a shame she keeps getting stuck as second fiddle.

Is it the Welsh thing? Cause we can fix that!

A swift judgement taylor-made for her.

Billy Bones was really better off on Skeleton Island.

The young Lannister warrior Ed of House Sheeran was relaxing after a pleasant brunch of honey-glazed chicken when he first heard the roar. He turned his amiable face to the heavens and his watery eyes filled with horror as he watched the Dragon fly over. For a few moments he stood paralyzed in pure terror, unable to

I saw Grindhouse at the cinema and enjoyed it immensely. Planet Terror was definitely the better of the two, but Death Proof has Zoe Bell, so I could never hate it. But the greatest thing about it all were the four fake trailers that ran between the movies. They basically showed why the project felt so hollow

They do a nice version of The Digger's Song (although not as great as John Cooper Clarke's). Their English Rebel Songs 1381–1984 is a good listen for history buffs.

I got my first real PC
Oh it was mighty fine
Carmageddon had me in nerd heaven
Oh it was the summer of '97

Fun fact: Masago is the roe of Capelin, the North Atlantic roe. It's bright orange and tastes awful. Perhaps this berk was funneling some hate towards this unfortunate substance?

The peculiar transition of a fighting game into a platformer (of sorts) had already been tried, and failed equally miserably. 1985's The Way of the Exploding Fist was one of the first of its time, an early 1v1 fighting game with cheerful animations and some awfully digitised sound effects. Its sequel, Fist II: The

Buenos Aires was a false flag inside job. Space rocks can't melt steel beams. Wake up sheeple!

There was also Kylie Minogue's Impossible Princess, my favorite album of her.

Fuck yeah KLF!
That is all.

"The Summer Of The Goateed Cerberus" is the greatest novel Denis Wheatley never wrote.
