
Driver where you takin' us?

Bye bye posting guy
Took my profile to the new site but the new site weren't fly
And the old posters were beginning to cry
Spamming "this'll be the day that I die"

*Shoves spear into AV Club's chest*
"The Age of Disqus is over. The Time of the Kinja has come."
*Howard Shore score swells*


Great for numismatists though! Regicide works wonders for collectible value.

I'm pretty much fucked. My account is from 2011 and sort of got grandfathered across over the years, but won't transfer to Kinja. I am genuinely sorry for it, but I doubt I'll be back here after the change.

A Johnny Marr biopic would be fantastic, covering all the different people he's worked with.

What difference would it maaaaaaake?

Pouring a forty out on the curb for my man Thoros. He's reveling with R'hllor now.

They're hot-blooded, check it and see - got a fever of a hundred and three.

If that's how Gersten is these days I wonder what the hell really did happen to Donna.

Well I loved the banter among the lads. A lot of backstory and interconnection unwound there. The scene between Jorah and Thoros was pretty poignant too; something about a shared history viewed very differently struck me deep.

Action Dragon Snow Barbie comes with tiara accessory!

Sam's tenure at the Oldtown Home For Patronizing Old Pricks was this season's Arya in Braavos.

The Snowbound Seven Sausagefest are a very poorly rounded party: combat cleric, a barbarian, and five fighters. Could do with a paladin or ranger in there.

I'd be totally down for this. The murine Count Orlock was always my favorite vampire, and the Kinski/Herzog remake is my favorite vampire film. The brilliant Shadow Of The Vampire was also a fantastic addition to the mythology. So yeah, sounds good.

Kevin Eldon really should have stayed in Braavos.

Is her arc perhaps the bleakest saddest thing in Lynch's universe?

Stan Rizzo back in action!