
I like this episode because it introduces Lindsay Nagle; the definitive 90's short-skirt-long-jacket maneater.
We’ve met you many times, Ms. Naegle. Why do you keep changing jobs?
I’m a sexual predator!

The only reason I tolerate this movie is because of the fantastic French & Saunders parody that it spawned.

When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year
A very good year for getting my first dial-up connection
I downloaded a pic of Geri Halliwell's frontal gear
I thought the future was here
It took six hours to get done
When I was twenty-one

Goddamn Lexx - that was appointment viewing for me at the time. I couldn't believe something so viscerally bizarre was on tv.

1997 was the year I became a full-time user of the Internet. It was all downhill from there!

They never told me about "Phlegmatic Accountant For Arm-Wrestling Gang" at school careers day.

So were all the Lannisters!

Looks like Dany's in for eight inches of snow, if you know what I mean.

Guys like Bronn don't die in battle. I've met grizzled old bastards like him and they survive long after the heroes and the idiots have perished.

Emilia Clarke's paycheck took the second third and the last one went on a slap-up wrap party dinner at Mrs Miggin's.

A bit smug of that Dothraki to sneer "your people can't fight" when a dragon did all the work, and his people's finest warriors were all trapped and burned in a hut by a teenage girl. All the more ironic when we consider how easily Jorah Mormont defeated a Dothraki warrior in hand-to-hand combat in the first episode.

Stay on the scene
(Jack it up!)
Like a lifting machine
(Jack it up!)

The fountain from the start of Married With Children holds a certain importance in my cultural education; I have always wanted to visit it.

They're coming to take our views and our likes!

Ice cold despacito soup.

I used to be with it, then they ch-
No check that, I never was
Very good, carry on!

Except that wouldn't work, for the reasons I explained: the leather is thirsty for moisture, leading it to warp and contract, rendering it useless as a membrane of any kind. The only way to avoid this would be to make cuir bouilli, which would then be extra-useless as it would be completely rigid.

You wouldn't download a dragon

Unfortunately that would still not properly insulate the poor chaps wearing it, and now it would be extra brittle too.