
Crikey dick ya bleeding drongo don't you speak Nuzild?

My funniest moment this week was that peculiar scene where Sansa insisted leather needed to be added to metal armour to "make it warm". Apparently neither she, nor the writers, nor even the smiths of Winterfell have a clue about this. Armour was worn for centuries in below freezing temperatures, with only a woolen

When I grow up I'm going to be a freaky weirdo who makes a tv show where he gets all the chicks.

I like to think there was nothing but water in that vial Jaime gave Oleanna, and she's going to die of old age waiting for it to kick in. Either that, or a laxative.

The '66 tv series had some incredibly lame original villains, including Louie the Lilac, the Archer and the Minstrel. On the other hand it also had King Tut and Egghead, who were always great fun.

Eartha Kitt provided a fascinating take on Catwoman, in contrast to Julie Newmar's role. Because the sensibilities of the time balked at a black woman flirting with a white man, Kitt's Catwoman had none of Newmar's obsessive focus on Batman; instead she was much more calculated and sadistic, and a more interesting

Shockingly unfair!

A ballista killed a dragon back during the Targaryen invasion; seeing as that carnage is well attested in their history, I would have thought some folks in Westeros would be pretty familiar with the idea.

I am deeply, deeply disappointed that your review of the action films of 2006 neglected to mention DOA: Dead Or Alive. This cinematic masterpiece is a sparkling gem in the shining crown of video game adaptions. With exotic locales, exquisitely choreographed action, and sparkling dialogue, it is easily the match of

Also Toby Stephens!

I'm guessing this article got linked on Reddit/4chan/whatever about four hours ago?

It is a good game, with a strong focus on character interactions between each other, the politruk, and their superiors. It's basically a simulation of being a woman in wartime Stalinist Russia, with the actual flying/fighting something of an afterthought. That being said, it does an excellent job of giving the

Came here for Waxwork, was not disappointed.

There's a pretty good movie called Battle for Sevastopol which looks at the life of Soviet sniper Lyudmila Pavilchenko, and it's a grim tale of a nice girl's descent into PTSD and profound trauma.

Black hole sun
Won't you come
And smash heads like crazy

There was a brutal tarring-and-feathering scene in Carnvale was has always been seared into my memory.

AV Club
I'm not saying that it's a good explanation, but it's an explanation

As a student of medieval military logistics I have to wonder what Dany's army is living on. The dragons alone would require a hearty feed every day, not to mention all her troopers. Then there's stuff like boot leather needing replacement, weapons being repaired and reforged, that sort of thing. Yet she's never had

Spike Milligan drove some of the wounded survivours of Dunkirk to hospital after they arrived in England. He asked one of them what it had been like. "Like, son?" the grizzled old Tommy replied. "It was a fuck-up, a highly organized fuck-up".

His Twitter is a hilarious medley of gnomic wisdom and narcissism.