

Watch out for the attack of the entitled cybermen.

Atchison, Kansas may have begun in infamy, but it later became the birthplace of Amelia Earhart, so that's nice.

Don't blame me, I voted for Ursa.

Thanks to my father's love for Bob Dylan, I've seen Duluth's favorite son on three occasions. I enjoyed each of them (mainly because of hanging out with my dad), but they were all more or less the same: a bunch of his recent stuff peppered with a few classics; the brisk, benign indifference to the audience; and the

I was so disappointed by Aeon Flux. The movie had nothing of the mystery, angular weirdness or body horror of the original MTV shorts; instead we were presented with this weird neutered edition. Ms Theron did well under the circumstances, but the film was such an emotional 'meh'.

Regicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can burn them all
If I please

Curb Your Enthusiasmworld was shut down because people kept murdering the Larrybot.

Pretty sure Lost took place entirely in Vincent's head.

Right outside my front door, it's a 50kph southerly and 2 degrees Celsius out there!

The hardest part for me was my man Roose going out like a chump. I'm not invested in any of the other characters. If only he had Arya's steel stomach muscles!

I have lost all enthusiasm for this show now yet somehow I am compelled to keep watching, especially as the end is in sight. It's like I've been eaten by a shark and I'm thinking oh well, it's already eaten most of me, might as well stick it out.

There's a lot of people in Gendry's boat these days.

I'm thinking Euron is just going to be Ramsay with muttonchops.

I am mystified by the article's line that it was "thrilling". That's a funny way to say farcical!

I love Chrysta Bell's slinkiness. It's very Lynchian.

I love the forgotten heroes, screw the headliners. My heart's with the men and women in the stupid outfits who made comic book heroism a thing. Herbie Popnecker 4 lyfe.

Speaking of the Soviet space program, has this column ever looked at the 'lost cosmonauts' legends? They're among my favorite ghost stories of the Cold War.