
And he was in Spice World!

When I kill, I kill for Queen and country…although I admit killing you would be a pleasure

I gasped, my throat catching at both the sight of these two old friends, and the profound tenderness of their conversation.

When Chick From The Nanny brought the lattes to Plastic Box Dude, I was totally hanging out for him to say "That's a damn fine cup of coffee".

Alison is my favorite Eastwood daughter!

Dead…set against accepting lousy roles!

Movie-wise, 2001 sticks in my head as the year with two terrible WW2 movies - Pearl Harbor and Enemy At The Gates. In both of them, the horrors of war are merely stage dressing for wearisome love triangles and that upset me more than it should.

Leelee is fine, are you perhaps thinking of poor old Brittany Murphy?

French Indiana Jones And His Mohawk Ninja Sidekick Fight Aristocratic Cultists And Their Gypsy Biker Gang With The Help Of A Sexy Prostitute Nun

Anyone remember Wild Palms? It was sort of Oliver Stone's attempt at making his own Twin Peaks. As a cyberpunk-obsessed teen I thought it was awesome; rewatching it a few years back I found it utterly tedious, although the performances were excellent.

Literally my dad's favorite movie!

You know, man, when I was a young man in high school
You believe it or not, I wanted to play football for the coach

There aren't that many stomach-turning parts (although there is one memorable shocker), it's more of a mental and emotional ordeal.

"Look Netley, lights!"

There were a couple of moments in Bloodsucking Freaks that were so ridiculously repellent, I was laughing and retching at the same time.

Emma Booth is a great actress, her performance as prostitute-turned-policewoman Kim Hollingsworth she was the only good thing about Underbelly:Golden Mile. Nice to see her getting solid work.

Most of my leis are pretty forgettable

Three Menus And A Baby