
Coppolaload of this garbage!

Dead…set on finding a hottie!

The main thing I remember about The Patriot (other than the controversy over how inaccurate it was) was the 'David Manning' debacle, which revealed that Sony had invented a critic to give glowing reviews to various garbage films.

B-but what about Battlefield Earth?

A sitcom about Tyrion and Bronn in King's Landing during the former's tenure as Hand. Lots of boozing, wenching and quipping. It would be called One and a Half Men.

He's such an assangehole.

A.V. Club
The full disgusting particulars

Saw her (for the second time) in Wellington back in January. It was a solid set, leaned heavily on her more recent stuff. She has an excellent band with her.

A healthy mix of the rich and the ignorant, sir

"I Went To The Fyre Festival And All I Got Was This Cannibal Urge"

I loathe Frank Miller as an identity but I absolutely love Born Again. (I'm not a modern Batman fan so the Dark Knight stuff can go hang). By the same token I find Garth Ennis epitomizes some of the worst aspects of comic writing, but his Battlefields and Punisher:MAX titles definitely had an impact on me.

Time for a memorial viewing of Caged Heat.

The Wright Brothers gag is my favorite part of that movie.

Einstein gets a great turn as a character in Nicolas Roeg's beautiful Insignificance.

WhatCulture appearing in an AV Club article, can you Adam and Eve it? The lads will be right impressed.

So was The Century guilty or not? Or did it keep getting off?

I haven't heard a theater groan that loud since I was in an old wooden one during an earthquake.

And so, after nine years of faithful service, I was forced to fold away my long black trenchcoat for good. The Matrix finished what the Columbine tragedy started - it made wearing such an article decidedly unpleasant due to the negative attention it attracted.