
Still here? It was the very first — and only, so far — of the whole series to have Bond Girl-as-Big Bad, a twist that you really won't see coming

Well I'm a sucker for all things Wheatley so I'll be going along to this for sure. I would like to see him return to horror again soon though.

Fuck this game with a lance!

I wonder if the choice of "Sergeant Harper" as a name is a Sharpe reference or just a coincidence.

Such a gorgeous class act, I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember. But you neglected one of her finest turns, as The Woman He Loved in The Bart Simpson Story.

Graffiti is one of the finest records we have, it is history's version of what people say when the mike is turned off. The Pompeii graffiti are some of the best, containing such poignant gems as Whoever loves, let him flourish - let him perish who knows not love - let him perish twice over whoever forbids love,

For teh lulz

Sometime in my youth I saw The Golden Seal, Howard the Duck, and Leonard Part 6, all in the theatre. I fell asleep during the first one, and was strinkingly aware during the other two of how bad they were. But I'd never walk out of a theatre; that's not my style. I will give shit its due, whether it deserves it or

I love Dickinson, and have been following all the praise for this movie with great enthusiasm and relief. Initially I was unsure of the casting but clearly it's really borne out, and Nixon does the Swan of Amherst proud.

I remember the AIDS episode, that made quite an effect on me because there was a similar thing happening in my community at the same time. The ending was really poignant.

I remember that was pretty cool. Ioki had been married seven times or something!

I guess she was tied to the cactus because one prick wasn't enough?

I had (and indeed still have) a copy of Frank Webb's "The Sparrow Book of Video Games", from 1982. Not actually owning a console at the time I was only familar with a few of the discussed titles, mainly through their arcade versions. But I read the book over and over, with my mind buzzing at the detailled

This was the year WW2 came back in my life with both Saving Private Ryan (a movie I have serious issues with) and The Thin Red Line (one of my favorite war movies). While they're obviously not action movies it also saw Wild Things and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, two guilty pleasures. I was living right next door

FYI, the boathouse at Hereford is made of red brick and not actually painted at all.


Someone this seems so unpleasantly appropriate, given the misogyny and "sexploitation" that makes up so much of the work of Amis père et fils.

Preparing myself for the Black Sails finale this weekend. The final season has been a little rushed and suffered from patchy writing in places, but now that it has all converged to the endgame things became brilliant. I will miss this show.

It seems a very Yankee thing, doesn't it? Openly dispassionate and carefully calculated, but with a profound streak of righteous resentment.

All that castration and blinding! It made studying the Byzantines a grim business.