
Enjoy the silence, dickhead.

I got the wrong Bad Boy!

The Quick And The Dead deserves a mention as the movie which brought Russ the Muss to Hollywood. Apparently Stone (who was allowed to choose her male co-star, having achieved a certain amount of clout by this stage) saw his stellar turn in Romper Stomper and was all "Oh yeah, I'm gonna get me some of that".

The presence of KMFDM and Téa Leoni allowed me to see past its manifold faults on all occasions when I've seen it.

I always thought Goldeneye should have been the perfect end to the Bond series. It marks the end of the Cold War, as symbolized vividly in the scene where Bond meets Trevelyan in the graveyard of Soviet statues, and the way Bond is derided as a dinosaur throughout. It would have brought the character to a natural

I only really know him from his turn as Louie the Lilac on Batman 66; easily one of the worst 'original' villains, although the hippie episode he's in has a certain novelty value.

People die, stories don’t, people in stories don’t.

"John Waters is dead…set against normality!"


…the difference between suicidal bravery and insane devotion to a cause
It's whether they're on your side or the other guys'.

I've read quite a bit about the H L Hunley, the ill-fated Confederate submarine which caused more casualties to its own side than the enemy, including taking the life of its creator. I have to acknowledge the suicidal bravery of the men who manned it and similar vessels; like their later comrades in WW1 biplanes,

Man, what does everyone have against Reg? He's a decent bloke.

As ghastly as this business is, someone at North Korean intelligence clearly has a better knack for writing spy plots than most scriptwriters.

The only winning move is not to play.

Ina Propriated? Wasn't she a folk singer?

I signed it as Teddy Roosevelt. Of course the real Teddy would have horsewhipped Trump up and down Pennsylvania Ave, but I didn't have a riding crop to hand, so it seemed like the next best idea.

Nikita Mikhalkov's 1987 film Dark Eyes. It's certainly not a happy tale, and the ending has one of the hardest gut-punches in cinema, but it's a beautiful mediation on love.

"You wanna buy an empty box?"
"You don't want to sell me an empty box."
"I don't wanna sell you an empty box."
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I wanna go home and rethink my life."

Always great to see mah gurl Mel on the front page of the A.V.Club. New Plymouth represent!

IV dropping the gentleman's F