
Just keep moving, don't make eye contact.

The Bright Knight and his glorious show is sometimes described as "campy", but I've never felt that was entirely accurate. Rewatching the (gloriously rendered) DVDs recently I came to think of it more as subversive. It really does seem to float on that whole social shift which was taking place at the time, and what

I don't know much about Davis beyond what Ken Burns schooled me in, but the blighter seems to have had utterly shit luck in everything except marriage. I am told he became a major scapegoat for Southern 'Lost Causers' after the war which seems pretty unfair, seeing as how many others in the South did a great job of

You beat me to it, she's a Kiwi heroine I love to extol at every opportunity. But I would caution everyone from watching either of the two miniseries made about her, which are sadly garbage. Instead, you could watch the sterling British TV series Wish Me Luck which celebrates her and the many other brave (and oft

I think it's her Lulu bob in Bad Boys that clinches it for me.

I imagine a "Canadian upvote" is like a polite pat on the back?

Bad Boys has Tea Leoni at her sexiest ever, so that got me through it.

"I asked Michael why it was easier to train oil drillers to become astronauts than it was to train astronauts to become oil drillers, and he told me to shut the fuck up, so that was the end of that talk." - Ben Affleck in his DVD commentary.

No-one ever remembers Fire on the Amazon, and I bet she's glad of that.

I love Street Fighter, as much for its lunacy as its sheer sense of fun. I do think it's unfairly maligned to some extent. If nothing else, it's amazing to watch Raul Julia having the time of his life, and knowing he fought through the pain of cancer to do it as a gift to his grandkids.

The best installment in the franchise was Speed 3. Those women were in the nip!

Sex for dinner, death for breakfast!

A total waste of Toby Stephens too. His anti-Bond was initially a great setup, then they had to go full-Moore-era silliness on it. That swordfight is one of the best action scenes in any Bond movie.

What is this new devilry?

By peculiar coincidence, Kylie Minogue played a character called Chardonnay on Kath and Kim.

I hope KM is experiencing some kind of bliss, because she probably couldn't get this out of her head. Being a red-blooded woman 'n' all.

No, my son is also called Chyleigh.

I'm gonna kick Jenner's ass SO HARD the next Kylie wannabe is gonna feel it!

I hope this small victory (and her recent signing with BMG) goes some way to alleviating my beloved Aussie pocket rocket's recent heartbreak. That despicable cad! Clearly the universe is conspiring to bring us together.

What is the current "DAMNIT!" count?