
Momoa, mo' problems.

Luke, did I ever tell you about the time I cut your fathers limbs off and left him to die by a river of lava? He was a good friend.

Read This Article Or A Creepy Girl Will Stand By Your Bed Tonight (For Reals)

Good Satans in bad movies: Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate and Gabriel Byrne in End Of Days.

Mephistopheles is such a mouthful in Manhattan.

Jane Horrocks could have easily carried her own spinoff.

Ab Fab went from being a parody to something people strove to emulate. Pats and Edy went from caricatures to idols. It was a peculiar phenomenon, and the original sketch is a interesting watch in hindsight. Overall I think its greatest achievement was providing a platform for so many British female comics. Watch

West/Swift 2020. Mark my words!

Exnay on the Kim K Kayne and Taytay beefnay

What, no mention of the redoubtable Giles Corey, who at the age of 81 was pressed to death rather than enter a plea, and who responded to his torturer's questions with the taunting "More weight!". He's a ray of heroic and grimly comic light in this tale.

I think it was more of a traditional thing; Olympia was a holy site and taboo to women. There's a (probably apocryphal) story about a woman whose husband and son were competing, and she disguised herself to watch them. When her son won his race she jumped with joy and lost her costume, revealing herself. However

I wonder if they tried for the theme to "Blame It On Rio", or if they're saving it for the closing ceremony.

Honestly I was always a fan of Alison, but she never seemed very serious about the craft.

There was an extra layer of irony to that Blackadder sketch, with the cameo by political journalist Vincent Hanna as "his own great-great-great-grandfather". He was a familiar face on British screens at that time and the in-joke of his appearance draws a knowing laugh from the audience.

That personification of the Seven Sisters is fantastic.

Pengy always had the best plans on Batman '66.

I'll tell you what's not great: the asshole who played Vigo.

Now the Ghostbusters C64 game, that was the real shit. How bout that digitized speech, eh? Eh?