
"Bond, James Bond, eh!"

The odd tale of the Halifax Slasher has an earlier precedent in the form of the "London Monster" of 1788-90. A young man was charged for the crime of apparently stabbing random women in the dark. While there were definitely some attacks, historians have speculated whether he was the culprit and have even questioned

His research consisted entirely of watching "Bart vs Australia" while listening to some Men At Work records.

Gotham Girl got game.

"Books? Books are for squares! We're now a multimedia learning center for children of all ages… but mostly drunks".

It seems the Freys really do have their fingers in a lot of pies.

I know he wasn't important but "Random Guy Who Got Reduced To Red Smudge By Giant Flying Bell" surely deserved a mention.

The Faceless Men ran a weekend class on cookery.

Lena vs Kayne is the T-Rex vs Triceratops of our time

Team Francie!

She does an excellent Julie Andrews, as demonstrated in this vid and several bouts on Family Guy. Edited my original post to clarify this.

Lauren Graham would make a cracking Mary Poppins, she does an excellent Cockney flowergirl accent and has the dimples.

Although he took the name "King's Landing" a bit too literally.

Varys actually means "Tardis" in Valyrian.

The thing I'll take away from this season, was how it saw my feelings towards Cersei reverse completely. I adore the psychotic wench now, and was heartily cheering her coronation. Battle of the Blonde Tyrants confirmed!


He make joke.

We don't need another hero.

"Fuck him!" Patti LuPone is a treasure.