
Not a bustier in sight! So much for the Bride of Dracula.

In Boots!

It's amazing to see how much Billie Piper has matured as an actress over the course of this show. Eva naturally gets a lot of the praise but I would spare an equal amount for Our Billie.

Keith Urban is also a Kiwi, except nobody cares.

Ramsay: Never fear! My plot armour shall protect me!
Ramsay: Oh dear.

Talk about going to the dogs

The dangerous new player on the scene is Offscreen, who is claiming quite a few victims now.

By orduh ov'tha Peaky fookin Blindahs!

Listen to it with Ashokan Farewell playing in the background.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane, and I told him he was pretty.

Lovely assemblage of gowns on the League of Handchopping Hookers. Justine's scarlet number was particularly fetching.

A good Renfield makes or breaks any telling of the Dracula story, so I'm very happy he's worked so well.

I'll tell you a joke Tyrion: this episode!

Man, you must see some shit living in Braavos.

A deranged season of Peaky Blinders came to a violent and disjointed conclusion, which kind of summed up the tone this time round. It was considerably more intense than the previous two. Once again Tom Hardy stole the show as Alfie Solomons, although the trio of debauched Russian aristocrats were also a highlight

I love Pepys, even for all his priggishness and hypocrisy. He had a lust for life and would have made good company.

So some people I know are going nuts about the silhouette behind the Waif, claiming it's Syrio and this validates their looong-held theory that he was Jaqen the whole time. I really, really hope that isn't the case.

I miss Rick Moranis but I respect his desire for the private life. Nonetheless Louis Tully was my spirit animal.

This "muddying of the movement", as the review puts it, is the important thing here. The British troops who come screaming down the driveway at the start of the movie, are echoed by the Free State soldiers in a scene towards the end. The schism that beset Republicanism in the Civil War is reflected here and provides

It's easily the most objective movie I've ever seen about the Troubles. It's also the first onscreen depiction of the British Army death squads and their involvement in the urban fighting of the 70's and 80's.