
One of the blackest, most brilliant comedies I've seen in years.

I will never forget the intense erotic charge in the very first episode between Proteus and Victor.

I have high hopes for Hecate this season, I'm fascinated by her weaving her magic - as 'twere - on the high chaparral.

It was a brilliant idea to ease us back into the story via Lyle visiting Vanessa. His tenderness and torrential verbosity were a great way of re-establishing the mood. Besides, I would watch him do his thing all day.

I would love to see Jonathan Rhys Meyers reprise his take on the Count, but I know that is asking a little too much.

After two seasons of fakeouts we finally have the Son of the Dragon himself appearing, so I feel this time will top everything so far.

I'd sure like to land somewhere between Kate Bush and Kylie Minogue.

Her career trajectory, and ultimate fate, was a source of great fascination and mystery to my gang of infatuated schoolboy fans. Since then the Internet hasn't done much to help, other than publishing the already attested facts: she did a little bit of tv work, left because she was worried of being typecast, and

Lloyd and Croft comedies are an extremely mixed bag; the elements of farce and parody are volatile. Some of their stuff is dire. But when they got that formula right it made for some superb moments of television. As the review notes. it's equal opportunity ridicule, and in the end they always make the outsiders and

It was most definitely a Secret Army parody, and even shared a few cast members. The same tropes were definitely invoked.

Good moaning. I pooped into the AV Clob todoo and wot do you noo, an orticle on Alu Alu. Imogen my soorproos!

Great band!

Ramsay's dogs died on the way back to their home planet

Also A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine.

Good night sweet Prince
And flights of sexy 80's backup singers sing thee to thy rest

Toi-ti-toi-ti-toitoitoi cinnamon bun!

One of the appealing parts of the recent Batman 66 comic was seeing more recent creations reinvented in the classic style - like Bane as a luchador wrestler or Harley Quinn as a roller girl.

Textbook post.

No matter what the Aussies do to Johnny, it can't be any worse than what he's done to himself.