
Love John Kavanagh! He shines in everything he does.

"Wait, 'Erlendur'? I thought that was Brad Dourif!"

It would bomb hard, and they know what that's like.

But was it vape-vape?

Tenuous DC connections: the late Lesley Gore played Catwoman's sidekick Pussycat in two episodes of Batman '66. She performed a version of her rather melancholy hit "California Nights".

"Just Ask This Scientician cheated in class todaaaaaay…"

John Wyndham's "The Midwich Cuckoos" - the font whence the Villages of the Damned stream from - is one of the most icily English horror stories you could ever read. (The town meeting where they try to rationalize the sudden overnight pregnancies is unintentionally hilarious). But overall it has this passionless,

Ah, one of the lesser-known events in Viking history tonight; the Subplots Massacre of 817AD.

The majority of Nazi exploitation films are either pointless bores, or pretentious dreck. There is however, one notable exception - Bruno Mattei's Private House of the SS. Intended to cash in on Salon Kitty (which manages to be both pretentious and boring), it's easily one of the most insane things ever committed to

So, it's our syntax you're criticizing, then?

Damn straight.

You will know it is time to turn the page when you hear R2-D2 beep!

Saw a Gonk bot, I leave satisfied.

There is also the recent release Pandemic, which is like this but even worse.

I'm afraid this is a show with everything but Yul Brunner.

A sadly brief listing for such superb and charismatic actor! My personal recommendation from his work would be A Soldier's Tale, but also check out his lurid and memorable appearances in Excalibur and Gothic, and his superb Satan in the otherwise forgettable Arnie vehicle End Of Days. Perhaps also the bizarre and

Yidu speak the truth there

Denise of the Communist Resistance

A few moko artists got annoyed, but it was more to do with the fact his moko was gibberish, rather than an issue of cultural appropriation. This is the guy who played Ghandi, after all.

That's a running joke he's addressed on a few occasions. To me he will always be Uncle Fuckin' Bully.