
More like CeeNo amirite

The brief clip from the '66 series is of one of the King Tut episodes, who was always a highlight.

I watched it solely because it featured Rachel Nichols, on whom I have harboured a long-standing crush; but it was immensely depressing to read in an interview with her that neither she, nor Momoa, nor apparently anyone on the remake had seen the original.

Incredibly grey, bland and dour, without a shred of the pulp vibrancy that made the original great.

Spoiler: the cat wrote the book

Heh heh, "titular".

Solitude never hurt anyone. Emily Dickinson lived alone, and she wrote some of
the most beautiful poetry the world has ever known… then went crazy as a loon.

The season finale of Black Sails was absolutely glorious. It mush have cost a fortune! Alik Sakharov is the man when it comes to directing action scenes. We got a kickarse beach invasion, a hull-smashing naval clash and ruthless guerilla fighting. But ironically the real high point was the frank, intimate

I discovered this word when Amanda Blank (a native of Germantown) referred to herself as a "fly jawn".

Great to see Einar Selvig getting a chance to have some screentime, I don't think he's appeared since the night Athelstan died. But who the hell leaves the drummer behind when you go tour?

I liked how Aslaug suggested Sigurd play with little Siggy and not YOUR BROTHER WHO LIKES TO AXE HIS PLAYMATES.

Make that five!

Of the 61 user reviews right now, all are either As or Fs (funnily enough averaging out at C-, like the core review). Not a lot of middle ground in this melee!

Very bizarre that one was missed out. He even got Warhol in there!

When I was a teen this was our group's makeup movie, because everyone would sort of lose interest about 2/3rds of the way in and just start making nookie.

During my 80's childhood, he always seemed like this rather uncool but extremely charismatic uncle who occasionally popped around. He scored a fair part of my life's soundtrack at that time, thanks to family with an obsession for high-end electronics.

We don't need no axe-ucation

"Wait!…it's traditional to stab the groom AFTER the ceremony!"

Never seen a duck bill? They're outrageous, they charge for everything.

I'll read anything with Patsy in it.