
I demand some Maddy and Louise!

Anything by Tangerine Dream would have been nice

You're right Colonel, it was more a swipe at my memories of her growing up in England. Y'know, any chance to kick Maggie.

I only know these movies through the Duckman parody The Road To Dendron, but I certainly got the point.

Another atrocity of Thatcher's Britain.

My dad worships Bob, and naturally I inherited a lot of that. I caught this movie one night on TV, and have never been able to bring myself to tell him about it. Ronaldo & Clara was bad enough, and Band of the Hand had almost killed the old man right-out. So this was just too much.

I thought it was great, it perfectly caught the sombre mud-and-blood soaked spirit of Macbeth. The reinvention of Birnam Wood was brilliant.


Patsy and Hedy spinoff now!

I love Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid. Let me make you a cup of my famous java!

they broke a few switches on me…
Immediately I was carried away to images of Peggy's adolescence at a St Triniansesque girl's school that was effectively a commando college, honing her spy skills stealing silk knickers and whiskey, then having a latter-day Rose Coote spank her thoroughly. She is the very image of SOE

That used to be this chant in an old office of mine, it still raises a smile to my face


May I suggest Canadian director Alison Maclean, who lived out here in NZ for a while and produced two of our most gothic thrillers: Crush and the magnificent short film Kitchen Sink.

Katers gonna kate

I incest we stop with the jokes!

I have faith in Taika, he's at the "Lee Tamahori directing Die Another Day" stage of his career though, and I hope he doesn't wind up the same.

Sarah Bolger was stunning in The Tudors, hopefully we see a lot of her.

I ship Pottie