
2016 will be the centenary of the Somme and Verdun, which if nothing else makes for a fitting coincidence.

The WW1 US Army nurse's outdoor uniform was a natty piece, the service cap in particular is a striking piece of Edwardian headwear. Not quite the clean lines of a WW2 WAVE Yeoman, but sharp nonetheless.

I really enjoyed this movie. God, Jonathon Rhys Myers was beautiful. I was particularly struck by that whole "you can never go home again" feeling it had.

I mean one with Buzz and Hedy and cheese 'n' crackers and a anarchic sense of humour, not a slightly modified version of Carol from the comic. There are any number of possible characters they could have used for that role.

I just wish they had done a real Patsy Walker instead of the lame knockoff they used.

Rachel Nichols is an interesting phenomenon; all her movies are awful, while all her TV shows are great. As it happens I thought she'd make a great Jessica Drew, but there have been fan-sponsored initiatives I've seen in the past touting her as Poison Ivy or Carol Danvers.

Mr Rickman won't be joining us for the rest of his life.

He gave me Starman, the greatest affirmation I've ever heard that something grand lies beyond this world. It's my Gospels.

Tomorrow Vanilla Ice will be discovered to have also died at the same time, but his heart had one extra beat to it.

He's a star man, waiting in the sky.

Truly unbearable!

I first encountered him as Art DeSalvo in Duckman, and I was stunned to later discover that was his real voice.

You're right, your lad is wrong. In a Scots brogue it would sound more like "troo", admittedly.

In the early 90s, during the 50th anniversary of WW2, I was an avid schoolboy helping out with an oral history project. I interviewed a delightful old Scots granny who had worked directly under Sir John Masterman himself, the intelligence genius who ensured that not a single Nazi agent penetrated Britain during the

The more boring the place, the weirder and more multiple are the murders. I call this the David Lynch Theorem.

You're missing the best one:

Dylan's superb, stomping Jesus Is The One is absent, yet we have a number of songs that only tangentially mention the guy?

Humbug! Humbug! Humbug, @Stegrelo:disqus?

This is a piece of advice my father gave to me. Now this refers not only to lagging, but all forms of insulation. He said "dont ever"…no, wait, it was "always"…no er, "never, never" - oh wait now, I've forgotten. Never mind. Whats your favourite humming noise? Would it be mmm-mmmmm or would it be mmmm-mm? The first