
EU? More like pee-eww, amirite?

So…it's clickbait then? (Lightsaber fires up)

I truly admire the professionalism of Korman, Bea Arthur, and Art Carney in the '78 Special. They knew this was some weapons-grade bullshit, some kid's surreal fantasy in stupid rubber masks. But they played it as sincerely as anything they had ever done in their careers. Arthur even injects some genuine pathos

I always loved that last shot up there, with Anakin and the Jawas. I just imagine him going "Yeah take a right at the palace of the walking monk brains, go on past the Krayt Dragon skeleton, third moisture condenser on your left. Whole bunch of Tuskens just ready to be sabered. Now can I interest you in a mobile

No Willrow Hood? He saved the Rebellion with nothing more than a paunch, a porn star 'stache, and an ice cream maker. Once again a person of colour is written out of the white man's story!

But we can still have 24, right?

By God, Olly went out with a bang: He died of a heart attack in a bar after downing three bottles of Captain Morgan's Jamaica rum, eight bottles of German beer, numerous doubles of Famous Grouse whiskey and Hennessy cognac, and beating five much younger Royal Navy sailors at arm-wrestling. His bar bill for that final

Ah, Russ Le Roq - he always wanted to be Marlon Brando.

I was just thinking about Tom the other day, recalling his peculiar but amusing cameo in Costner's Postman. Always been a fan, he's the California Dylan.

Pretty sure they were just there to look at Ivanka.

A long time ago in a childhood far away.

It's okay, the last 15mins is just the director making jazz hands to use up the remaining film.

"Did I write that? What was I smoking! Oh yeah, opium." - Lewis Carroll

An all-female Dirty Dozen would be damn cool, like one of those old 70's men magazines covers but with more feminism and CGI.

Weekend at Bernies stealth reboot?

IIRC Amy Acker's character explains in her briefing to the security guy that they went out and captured these creatures, "mainly from the Old World".

Mah lettle grey zells…tell me if eet bleeds, we can keel it!

Well I couldn't stop laughing….at how bad it was!

I wanted to see the Huron. Seriously, I'm disappointed we never got to the fireworks factory that was him scalping some white collar doofus.