


Please Taika, don't become the next Lee Tamahori.

Wow, that would almost make half a career!

God, but I loved Laura Leighton. That whole not-Heidi Fleiss storyline she got mixed up in was a highlight of my adolescence.

There was a certain amount of breast-beating, self-righteous verbiage whenever Luck and its supposed cruelty got mentioned on the AV Club in the past. It's great to have Kind's comments on hand now, to shut those people up.

That would explain the beards.

e e cummings is writing spam now?

Reminds me of the time a chap went to the BBC for a job interview and suddenly found himself live on air and being asked for insight into complicated matters regarding Apple. He did an excellent job under the circumstances.

brb comitting sudoku

I know this as the movie Don and Lane don't go to see during their drunken afternoon bender (apparently it was for all the young lovers of the world) instead opting for Godzilla.

We have been pondering this here for a while, especially given our knack for depicting dysfunction and darkness in such a comedic way. Generally people talk about the effects of isolation, the alien intensity of our landscape, or the fact we had a morbid colonial culture. Certainly we're going through a bit of a

I envy the man who will be cumming in his heir tonight. Oh lord.

Story I always heard said Phil was just mucking round on his kit one day, developed what would become that memorable drumline, and they just made up the rest to fit.

I've always been very partial to Home by the Sea, parts 1 and 2. It's like the only ghost story pop song I know of.

Raze was one of the crappiest, ugliest, stupidest movies I have ever seen.

Can't remember the exact ep, but there's one that opens with Homer apparently murdering Abe after a car crash in a scene that directly references a memorable death in the final season of the Sopranos. It blew my mind - here's this incredibly callous scene, ripped off a show with a completely different audience to the

Even that guest star seemed tacked-on!

Watched an enjoyable Russian war movie called Battle for Sevastopol, about the famous sniper Ludmilla Pavlichenko. Nothing amazing, but it was well acted and designed and had some memorable moments - Woody Guthrie stealing the lady away from her KGB minders to play her the song he'd written in her honour was a great

Milly has anyone ever told you, that you look just like Hilary Duff? Maybe you should work that angle instead of staying in your basement. Fuck Aunty Brooke's Audi, you could be making mad cash.