
Their Second World War series - 39 volumes - was the pride of my adolescent library. They're narrative-driven, popular history, the perfect thing to lead a would-be historian into more solid fare.

There's a sleazy old Brit 70's horror (actually, "sleazy" there is redundant) called House of Whipcord throws in quite the second-act twist by killing off the erstwhile heroine when it seemed like she was going to escape - something of a gotcha to the old tropes. Also I'm racking my brain trying to recall a French

Those unfamilar with the hospitality industry consider Fawlty Towers a comedy. Those who have worked in it know the show is in fact a staff training video.

This movie is getting a serious amount of attention from New Zealand media, they had an interview with Hall's widow (Knightley's character) last night. Her seal of approval was very important to the filmmakers.

That bit in HBO's Rome, where Caesar justifies not punishing Vorenus and Pullo because "they have powerful gods on their side, and I will not kill any man with friends of that sort".

A.V. Club

I got a Caravan of Courage notification for this?

Yeah! When Ray Stevenson does it, it's all sexy and inspiring; but when Agog does it, suddenly they're all batons and tasers.

You've never met me mum.


I used to think the Steve Jackson who co-founded Games Workshop and wrote Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, was the same Steve Jackson who founded SJG and created GURPS among many other titles. As a kid in the 80's I really had no way of knowing the difference. Then I actually found a photo in an issue of White Dwarf

So what is it with Marvel and scorching redheads?

Freddie always was more of a Flash-man.

Its pretty interesting to look back at that particular time and survey the saturation of Stars Wars from their perspective. This really jumps out in the movie Hardcore - made in 1979 as the wave crested - where Star Wars billboards are everywhere; and in one memorable scene a pair of strippers wearing Vader masks are

Then who was prone?

Obi-Wan, I was wrong
It was Earth all a-long

Y'know, those pants are now on permanent display at the Performing Artists Museum in Melbourne.

It is a most artistic irony that Kylie's best video is the only one where she's fully dressed.

I can't decide if Bedelia wanted a leg up or was just trying to get her leg over. If it was alleg-edly Hannibal who did it, then the poor woman hasn't a leg to stand on; if she did it herself then she'll be hopping mad when she hears he legged it.

I friggin love Impeach The President, it's so groovily right-on. Also it lives on in De La Soul's lovable earworm Ring Ring Ring.