
So neat to see my boychik Ritchie Coster in action, I loved him in Luck.

She likes big dicks and she cannot lie
You other cops can't deny


By God that was cathartic. After all that angst and anger it was great to see a creep getting hammered.

This little piggy went to Florence
This little piggy went to Muskrat Farm
This little piggy went OHMIGOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT

Saw her at WOMAD back in March; she was in superb form, excited at the prospect of becoming a grandmother, and still able to enrapture a (record-sized) crowd with her presence.

To every teenager, their life is a Jason Statham movie.

Some time back the editorial tone of the AV Club was quite hostile towards Swift. That's certainly mellowed; I guess her recent friendship with Lena Dunham has made her more ideologically palatable.

Impastor sounds like one of those things where they started with the title then worked backwards to make a show.

Strong as I am,
There's something 'bout this trailer that haunts me

She'll always be Miranda Frost to me. Watching Gone Girl, that was all I could think of.

The best breasts this side of Procyon-5.

Cherry 2000 is great.

So pissed Evelyn didn't shriek I'M MELTING! I was waiting all season, you satanic trollop.

The whole thing with Putney's desperate upward mobility definitely struck me as Victorian too. He represented that whole commercial spirit which was really challenging the precepts of class.

There are many good versions of Unquiet Grave, but I do enjoy it rendered with the goth-chilled Teutonic pompousness of Helium Volta: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

S1: John Clare vs Frankenstein
S2: John Clare vs the insidious evil that is the English Middle Class
S3: John Clare vs Polar Bears!

They looked so damn good in white! So did Dorian and Lily for that matter. These guys should all do that more often!

It must have been fantastic fun for Eva to play Satan, hissing away at herself.