
Surely you mean Flying High?

Well that missionary certainly failed to get a grip on things. Aslaug definitely knows how to deal with doorknockers, I bet his last thought was "shoulda led with a song or something".

In this case it's C+ for "Chur bro!"

It's a real shame the airship thing never took off, but I suppose ballooning costs and a floating market popped the bubble.

Among many other ghosts in this ep: Lane's baseball pennant still holds pride of place on Don's office wall.

It's a wonder he doesn't have syphilis!

How cool to see the Oriflamme! Minor quibble - the Abbey of St Denis is on the hill of Montmartre (literally "mount of the martyr", where the saint was supposedly slain) and well outside the city walls, meaning Gisela would have to have made a risky trip beyond the Île de la Cité to get it. But that's a silly

A far chunk of tonight's music, including that opening part, came from the S2 soundtrack:

Their eyes met across a crowded battlefield.

I thought it was a good list and I have no complaints.

I'm watching The Royals after reading the review about it here, and it's nowhere near the train wreck I was expecting. Instead it's an enjoyably seedy and distinctively English piece of crap that makes for perfect hate-watching.

Don copped a dose of the cosmic revenge that comes from slept-with-too-many-women syndrome, when you hit middle-age and start seeing their ghosts everywhere.

Laibach's version is better.

I watched (and enjoyed) Tudors but Bluteau will always be Black Robe to me.

The garage is watered from the sprinklers. It also left a man's decapitated body lying on the floor next to his own severed head. A head, which of this time, has no name.

The kind that comes from a Black Pudding! Would've thought you knew that.

Love the Amiga-style graphics.

Sam Neill playing a smug villain? Well I never!

I always saw a lot of the original 60's Tony Stark in Don Draper. In fact there have been many times when Mad Men has reminded me of vintage comics of the era.

Black Sails capped a rollicking second season with a superb finale that saw the town of Charleston literally BTFO and John Silver farewell a leg. This time round it was so much better than S1; powerhouse moments like the reveal of Flint's backstory punctuated a really well-paced narrative that ran so much more