
*Edit/Addition: I forget who said it here a while back, but now I can't
quit thinking that young worker (that Mickey hired) is Jimmy's son.

NELSON : "Beloved wife, I am home"
(canned laughter)
(sees ELI and SIGRID making out on chair)
SIGRID : Ach hoosband you are the early bork bork!
ELI : Hey I was just making a delivery!
(canned laughter)
(NELSON looks at camera)
NELSON : And Mr Capone is coming for dinner in five minutes!
(theme music plays)

Love the language used in the flashback scenes. Did the First World War wipe out good diction or what?

That was Van Houtens-playing-Pictionary-tier horror.

Given the choice of going back home or taking the death sentence, both would probably vault into the gas chamber.

Those magnificent canines deserve a Best Supporting Actor nod.

What it should have been is a movie adaption of his Tankies.

I'm a big Jay Mohr fan and that made me a lot more receptive to Mafia! then I would have been otherwise. The AV Club should really revisit his superb TV show Action sometime.

That's a bummer, he would have been a good choice. But it means I can keep boosting my preferred pick : C. Thomas Howell. He looks the part, is the right age, has the screen presence, and would be perfect for the wry cynicism and intensity of Strange.

Och lemme take a selfie, mon, ye ken?

No, just loose balls.

I love the Spring Break one. Rory's hapless attempts to land a boy, Maddy and Louise returning, and Paris being Paris all make for some great laughs.

God I love the Cuban accent. It's warm and fruity and makes me want to take off my pants just listening to it.

That he appears to be raiding Lewis Carroll's personal stash.

"You're the Italian Wallace Beery" - somebody get Al under a cold tap coz he just got wicked burned. As the Sopranos boys would say : OOOOHHHHHHH!

"Hey honey, wanna see my private railway carriage?" What a playa.

Something something Irish something.
