
Tenser's Convenient Plot Device +5

So yeah, all that talk about his prodigiously-sized todger…was utterly pointless.

Speaking of lit nerdery, great to see old Varney getting a nod tonight.

I really enjoy the way the show is reworking the Dracula tropes. That ship was no doubt our old friend the Demeter, with its load of rats and grave dirt. The fact the vampire has a bevy of all-female 'thralls' is directly suggestive of the 'brides' of the novel. But alas poor van Helsing! Who shall step up now,

Great show, great scene, great actor.

And what's with "boys"? Are there girl orcs out there somewhere?

The shorter of the two Templars is the gleefully manic Bill Wallis, who we will meet again in 2 as Mr Ploppy, and 4 as "Mr Smith". I love the matter-of-fact way he says "Oh they've gone down the secret passage to the nunnery", as if it was the natural thing to do. While the sexual pastimes of medieval monks and nuns

My group and I actually really liked the Time of the Dragon expansion for the core Dragonlance rules. It was written by Zeb Cook and based on Taladas, which was the "other" continent to the novels' Ansalon. It had cool things like tiger-worshiping Mongol elves and freaky humans who lived on a glass sea.

I did run into one in the early 90s that involved a woman with a magical blue tattoo… anyone remember which one that was

Fuck Kender.

Ya don't capitalise 'sheila' in that context, ya drongo.

Streuth cobber there's nothing like a bit o'Ozpolitation for some bonza entertainment.

The Nancy/Roark storyline did not need a sequel, it ended perfectly.

Fuck yeah Falcon Crest!

Also, we have Adam Sinclair as Gavin, reprising his slightly-camp-Scotsman.

Lady Droneheart!

The London Metropolitan Police WISH they were that accurate. IRL they would have riddled Jack and Kate with bullets while the baddie ran off. Whereas Ian really should have played more Playstation.

“Do These Toffs Have Any Concept Of How Much Time I Spend Maintaining This Hedge Maze?”

Egad, Branson! What in bally hell is going on with your uniform? A Coldstream officer only needs one Star of the Garter on his red shell jacket, you are certainly not entitled to two! Who do you think you are, the Maharajah? And is that the badge of the West Yorkshires on your collar? What in G-d's name is going