
I find few things more horrifying than the concept of lobotomisation

We got Caliban last week, and Ariel this week. Prospero next?

Tonight felt like a wonderful lost chapter from Dracula, especially because of the epistolary style. The format works fine for me.

Oh crap, I forgot about Alan Parsons and Tales of Mystery and the Imagination!

So still waters don't run deep, they hitchhike!

The owls are not what they seem!

The whole battle actually gave me a real Total War feel, especially as the Wildings came cheering through the woods.

If only he was angrier, louder, and had access to a time machine. Westeros would be so screwed.

It was missing a snazzy one-liner, although I imagine giants aren't very good at those.

They definitely have taken a leaf from the Vikings book of battle scenes. There were some real OH FUCK! moments for me, especially the mammoth attack, the giants, and the poor buggers being swept off the side of the Wall.

So, favorite concept album then? Lou Reed's Berlin and Roger Waters' Pros and Cons Of Hitchhiking for me.

He's an obsessive scientist who never has time to sleep or eat, and is haunted by ghosts of various kinds. That would wreak havoc with a gentleman's pallor.

The comment section promises to be very interesting. (I've always adored the first season and had little time for the rest, I'm in a definite minority there). We may have some spirited historical discussion at least. Wibble.

Jolly good! It just gets better and better.

They wouldn't use his name, it would just be "The Prime Minister declared today that…"

Still trying to force that wretched meme, are they?

I wanna hear from Reposted Daily Mail Comments.

"PM" is the standard form of address, at least for a familar aide. "Great idea, PM!" None of this democratic "Mr" nonsense, thank you.

"Do you torture on first dates?"

When will these people learn : do your important shit at HALF-PAST.