
To be fair, the Americans are all shouty, torture-happy jerks. It's kind equal-opportunity cliche.

I would give a lot of money to see Jack going Abu Ghraib on Fry's PM:

She's like a golden labrador with a 9mm.

She got one of her Jack Badges tonight : Date With De Jumpahcables.

If only Westminster had a blonde like that floating around its august halls. The tabloids would have a field day with her IRL.

No-one's gay for Mole.

There was that time at the Grammys, when he protested Sinatra's speech being cut short, by pausing in the middle of "River of Dreams" for a few seconds while intoning "precious advertising time being wasted…" That was pretty cool.

"This is your bailiwick"
"Do not temporize, demon!"
"You toff wanker!"

Orish McCough for Living Dead Girl: 3-1

Lucy and Mina are pretty much all over each other in Dracula itself. The "peculiar friendship" was becoming quite the trope.

To paraphrase Bob Monkhouse, at least it saves you the awkwardness of not knowing who to thank.

Wagner and absinthe can do funny things to a boy.

The man's a legend, another wonderful addition to the supporting cast of Brit stalwarts. Personal fave: his venomous turn in 1988's Waxwork.

One woman is the Earl Of Sandwich’s wife

Yeah so I see.

I don't think Westeros is ready for that jelly.

Now comes my favorite part of the night: watching Twitter/Facebook explode like Oberyn's head.

He's not acting, he's Welsh.

"Watch this, Lise! You can almost pinpoint the exact moment when her sanity splits in two."

There was a rift in time/space and now the Earth-3 Sansa has appeared in Westeros.