
"Damnit, we had just starting rebuilding the east wing!"

u shagged my sis
u did er in
u rekt her tots

The music at the start is an obvious throwback to Riz Ortolani's amazing score from Cannibal Holocaust. I seriously doubt we'll be seeing any turtle-butchering or monkey brains in this however.

Owens made history by winning four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, making a rousing, personal rebuke to Hitler’s theories of racial superiority, with Der Führer looking on from the stands.

I'd love one on Eleanor Holm, the glamorous swimming star who was suspended from the US team because of a booze binge during the voyage over. She was quite the character.

How about one where he goes home and does a Django?

Alas Bellona.

He's pretty much just playing himself at this point, isn't he? I saw him in this Portugese thing called Lines of Wellington recently, he was playing the titular Duke exactly like the "cosmopolitan fop from a Molière play" the review mentions. I guess he's reached Olivier's money-my-dear-boy plateau.

I should have added [sic] as that's how Mary writes it in the book.

Drone hijackings, CIA moles, murderhappy mums - all this I stomach easily. But getting a speeding column of SUVs through London at 3pm - with both tea-time and school finishing - and having no traffic woes is downright implausible, 24! Those lads would have been better off taking the Tube.

It's London! London….Ontario!

I appreciate the way Fry has really toned his performance down, by his standards. The temptation to go full florid must have been strong. His naturally perpetual look of perturbation is serving him well.

I gosh-darn-bally-well knew the team was heading for a hot date with a Hellfire. But it was so fun to watch.

It really is a return to the glory days of old.

I read that in a Geordie accent.

That would be quite a gift. Thanks for the headsup.

One's a wrinkled, hairy little ball of vigour. The other one is his testicle.

That whole posture sends chills down my spine.

He'll be greeted by Ida Blankenship and his missing testicle.