
You better believe it, tough guy.

Depends which one you mean. The Hereford Rowing Club's boathouse is red brick with white panel extensions. The one on the SAS compound used to be Oxford blue but was repainted white sometime in the 80's.

Cool story, broette.

We must go to different clubs.

Gotta no respect!

Awwwwwww, the Denver Broncos!

I wish Crista Flanagan could find a project she deserves. She keeps appearing in these ghastly movies.

Wikipedia describes an F-grade in an AV Club review as "rare". Wrong again, jerks!

Hell yeah, Neneh Cherry!

That shit-eating grin!

No Leper in the Backfield? You may remember Troy McClure appeared in it.

And the theme song is stuck in my head

Yarr harr harr matey!
Just no-one mention a film
Called "Cutthroat Island".

I'm so grateful for anything pirate-related that I'll gobble this up eagerly. I have a lot of time for Toby Stephens too, and I'm expecting his grizzled charisma will win through soon enough.

Spike Milligan and Allo Allo also.

With just "BURN" at the bottom.

When you ride alone, you ride with Joffery!

"Keep Calm And Commit Incest"

She's pretty safe on the Dobbyn/McGlashan circuit, yeah.

Thank God I'm not the only one who does this joke