
As a fellow Kiwi I kind of worry about Lorde. I've seen all this played out before: a talented female singer/songwriter breaks our provinicial bonds and gets big overseas, our media hype her to the heavens as the second coming, then when she fails to meet the unrealistic expectations they tear her right down. It's

Snap! Now THERE was a band!

Here in NZ? Five minutes.

If it turns out to be half as good as its opening sequence, I'll be very happy

Oh, dear LFB. That story hasn't ended well, has it?

To be fair, Helgenberger was stellar on that show.

No mention of her recent turn as villain in Raze, I see. That's a good thing.

I was a tad disappointed to see she's kinda dismissive of it. Still, we'll always have Kavinsky.

Wow, that list is just so fucking 1991. Siouxsie at #1, I remember that. Hadn't thought about Squeeze or Electronic in years.

I smiled slightly upon seeing the term "poke" in reference to the sexual act; it takes me back to my early 80's British schoolyards.

Wasn't there another Hatesong dedicated to "Everybody Hurts?"

You know, writing a song is kind of like when you start poking someone.

God what a spectacle that would be. "I coulda been a conventioner!"

Don: Call the Pen and Pencil, see if someone found my award.
Miss Blankenship: What's the category?
Don: Best actress.

The Tony Awards seem to get a lot of hate. "Urge to kill…rising…"

That would be fine, because I know the Chechens would torture him long enough to allow me to escape. Or maybe he'd torture them, it's odds-on really.

That recent book about him could have been distilled down to this pithy observation.

Lorenzo Music was better anyway.

Romeo & Benvolio Go Homo

Funny because those guys had Laws about Juden.