
A really good Napoleon movie which transcended the cliched litany-of-events kind of biopic would be superb. It would be so easy for this to turn out as banal as many other interpretations if they just get hung up on namedropping and various stunt-cast cameos. Once you wade through the mess of height jokes (proof of


Another one bites the dust.

This is 20's A.C., he's actually underqualifed.

I'm sure that's a kind of meta-reference to that scene itself, which was indeed a treat.

"Redbone gets Pegged"

(Internally) "Damnit, the boathouse was the time!"

He really is obknoxious.

The fact I'm quite familiar with both the examples you mentioned is slightly troubling to me.

Her hat was almost as cute as Esther's.

I know it's no big thing, but I still struggle to accept an Owney Madden who's older than he should be, and speaks with an accent you won't find anywhere in Yorkshire.

After years of hotel work, I cannot watch people laying out table settings without mentally screaming "You're doing it wrong! Blade to the left, godammit! THE LEFT!".

I think the rednecks are still mad about their man going "missing" and she's expecting some payback. Either that or it's the Florida version of "riding shotgun".

There was a real physicality to his performance.

Line starts on the right.

Now you're on the trolley.

He probably has a sign at his home : "Number Of Days Since I've Been Thrown Off A Balcony".

That's the best brawl the show's ever had, up there with Eli and Nuck in their great greenhouse-shatterer.

Of all the horrors he has inflicted upon Atlantic City, surely amateur dramatics is the worst.

Right now they're at the shag-all-day stage of the relationship.