
His emerald suit and sinister gait will be sorely missed.

I'm just impressed that there was only one vampire-related pun in the whole review.

I think he feels compelled to disrobe, regardless of circumstances.

Dread Zeppelin beat you to it

"It's a hiking route…in the Sierra Nevadas!"

This was an episode of tag teams. Peg and her boss, Narcisse and Daughter, Narcisse and Purnsley, Esther and Edgar, Means and Knox. It was all about everyone working the one-two punch.

Andrew Mellon made a goddamn joke. That's historic.

The Red God is dead and no one cares.

"We Are The Brain Dead!"

Interesting to note how he's appropriated the cane.  The dawn of pimp chic?

The initials stood for "Please Whack Me".

A few less gators and a few more crazy blondes, I'd imagine.

Why no angry sex there?  We could have gone for the hat-trick.

Cause Serious CancerAids

The only use my group ever had for Unearthed Arcana was to beat people with it when they suggested using the terrible rules contained therein.

It's got a choir singing Prince.  Nothing wrong with that.

Wherefore art thou Olivia Hussey

Machete Kills…At The Oscars!

Givenchy handbags at twenty paces.