
Will Runaway Naked Girl become BE's answer to Soprano's Valery The Interior Decorator?

Now With Extra Caponi!

Is that a boy or a pony?

Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this…

They're not just Vikings!  They're sexy Vikings!

"Taking Care Of Business" is awesome

"Murphy Brown is doing better than I am. At least she knows she still has a job next year."

Shall we pray, dear?

In Soviet Russia, footage finds you!

All these 1983 articles have really brought back the memories of that era.   At least we had the post-apocalyptic genre to take my traumatized mind off things.

You were probably too busy watching Risky Business over and over again that year.

Never Say Never Again isn't the greatest film in the world, but it's definitely an unappreciated piece of 1983.  I was fascinated by the idea of an older Bond now living in a world that had passed him by.  Barbara Carrera and Kim Basinger are stunning and Klaus Maria Brandauer does his creepy German thing all over the

Thar's bern ah moordah!

Wow, '83 really was his Elvis Year.

One page of that write-up would have been devoted to his parents, and the second to his foster parents.

I posit the ending of One Foot In The Grave, instead.  It's one of the darkest turns I've ever seen a sitcom take.  It addresses the themes of futility and despair with a terrible clarity.

Both those shows got me into computing.  Good thing I wasn't watching the A-Team or something.

The first series is my favorite out of all of them.  I rapidly tired of Sarky Blackadder, especially by the stage they thrashed out the same jokes for the fifth or sixth time.  I like the nascent Bean Blackadder because he goes against the grain (the same reason many dislike the series).  The faux-gothic,

It was a great year for nuclear terror.  The Able Archer exercise and the shootdown of KAL007; The Day After, Testament, Threads; and Pink Floyd's Final Cut providing the soundtrack.  Happy days.