
I like that "movie" because it was filmed in Cappadocia, I place I've visited and really enjoyed, and hence it was a turkey shot in Turkey.

To the Black Cells with you.

I love Nick's story of how he first saw them, when they performed that infamous and destructive set on live German TV, and he thought "I HAVE to meet these guys!"

You Yanks were lucky with The Day After.  Our '83-nuclear-doom-movie was Threads, easily the most soul-crushing thing I've ever watched, made all the worse by being 8 at the time.

Waaay too angsty for me (I prefer Infected), but when you consider it was written by a prodigal 19-year-old that's quite acceptable.  And "Giant" is one of my favorite songs of all time.

His "back in Odessa" speech still rings in my head.

My old granny used to make them.

First time I ever remember seeing him in something was American Me, where he plays a character based on Pegleg Morgan.  He seemed like he was born to the role of a slow-burning psycho and time has definitely shown that.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a good Austen parody.

Trade him one for a haircut

I had hoped the villain of Clarissa was perhaps having his post-modern rehabilitation. 

Using exploitation to lecture on the evils of exploitation almost always backfires.   Witness Dennis Potter's Blackeyes.

Mu or GTFO

The best album ever written about Gallipoli.

"Grim and gritty" - I wish.  It was a circular ride on Uncle Alan's Rape Train, with smug, knowing winks to HPL.  I was severely disappointed.

"For my next trick, I shall out-Nero Nero!"

Elephant?  More like a Siberian mammoth.

Good to see Skeletor is still in the game.

What happened, Slater?  You were supposed to be the chosen one, my generation's Jack Nicholson.  Where did it all go so wrong?

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