
The Avengers were too busy stuffing their faces with shawarma.  They're hooked on the shit.

'Jackman has made this character his own'
So you could say…he's the best at what he does?

I'd like to know why a man wearing a tuxedo spends so much time watching family dramas from the 90s.

I love the eerie little spoken word bit he does with this song in live shows.

Trust the OT to make something even kinkier.

Snark is the new hack and man I am sick of it.

He sending his love down a well.

While Marvin Gaye and Jackie Wilson were never properly members of the Commodores, I always thought "Nightshift" was a great tribute to absent friends.

By the way, world, only South Islanders are this weird.  North Islanders have the decency to maintain a pretense of normality.

That is not the case.  The media jumped on some joke Purefoy and McKidd made and took it as fact, and naturally the enraged fanboys took flight.

This is some kind of Roose?

Consensual sex is boring anyway.

Her texting "support" for the London rioters, from her New York penthouse, was quite a spectacle.

Re-examining the British heroic archetype, and cashing in on a franchise, are not the same thing.

Evil Harry Potter made it all worthwhile.

'92 was the year Hair Metal died.  Motley Crue split up, Warrant and Skid Row flopped, Poison fell apart live on TV…then Axl goes and writes that bloated exercise in self-pity, "November Rain", which provided the funeral dirge.

Slash is Slash.

As far as I recall, "spandex pants, a day-glo orange vinyl tank top and a Sergeant Pepper-style marching band jacket" were the very definition of fierce during that lurid era, especially in contrast to the staid preppiness of the late-80s scene.

I had no idea the Peebler was in that.  The scales have fallen from my eyes.

Too much to choose from.  Seriously, where does one being?  Jaws the Revenge?  Blame It On Rio?  The Swarm?  The list goes on and on.