
The Hobbit of Beverly Hills?

"Tell me the truth - are you a homo?"

"I'm Vasco de Gama!  You're…some other Mexican."

"Don't shoot me, I'm just the dulcimer player!"

It's a nice day for a Red Wedding!

That was hodorcore?

This is like your Holocaust isn't it

Meanwhile Edmure is next door having the time of his life.

Don't be hatin' on the flaya

I want a Rory and Lorelai sandwich.  I'd be the filling.

Normally he's the one who does the crushing.

Sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!

Yvonne Craig in that tight purple batsuit, constantly being tied up and imperiled.  Oh yeah.

That's like the best 70's pool party ever.

Sheila the Thief in the old 'Dungeons and Dragons' cartoon.  Hellooo fetish for redheads in thigh-highs.

If a 'certain generation of girls' came of age watching Bowie in Labyrinth, then a certain generation of boys just came to Jennifer Connelly.

File it between American Me and American Psycho then?

I would spearhead a charge into her Iron Triangle.

My pet theory?