
"A seal with a machine-gun"

I think Mark Heap's Dr Allan Statham in Green Wing is truly the modern Fawlty.

Sachs was so convincing in his role, that genuine Catalonians refused to believe he wasn't one of them.

I never liked either his shreeching physical comedy, nor his endless replayings of Repressed Professor Type.


This bandstand wasn't double-bolted, huh!

I see.  "Stardate 309593.  My country is being overrun by every hipster and white-collar criminal on the planet.  THIS is utopia?"

Kiwi Trekkies collectively wet themselves when the New Zealand Penal Settlement was first introduced in this episode.  In this pre-LOTR/Conchords age such references were rare.


That quacked me up.

I thought it was a little on the nose, but having the sirens blaring when Meg and Don were talking was a nice way to say this marriage is dying in the back of an ambulance.

Sacre nom!  Am I nevare to be free of the lesbian cougaah?

God yes.  I have an almost Pavlovian reaction to that tune.  Ah, nostalgia.

I thought she might have been taking lessons in self-defence from the Viet Cong.

Bobby 5 is alive!

At this time and place, I'd think they'd be busier trying to frame Dawn as an communist - she IS black after all.

Who wears short shorts?

I have immense admiration for any man bold enough to wear such shorts in the presence of Joan Holloway.  That takes balls.

She stares at Ken in confusion, then looks over to Don for some kind of guidance, doesn't get any, so she looks back at Ken.  All the while wondering why the hell she hasn't quit this place yet.

Ken.  Cosgrove.  Raver.