
All work and no flay makes for a dull House.

Greyscale: because in Westeros, even the skin conditions are gothic.


Right after the fireworks factory.

Studly Teutonic Dudes?

Vikings loved the number 3. hence having 9 of every animal.  (3 was awesome, so they reckoned 3x3 must be super-awesome).

"Next week in Viking Divorce Court: Conniving Gold-digger or Wronged Woman - you decide!"

So the Vikings invented raves?  Awesome.  Banging babes, doing shrooms, and on the last day freaking out and slashing a few throats.  Some things never change, eh!  

Hey, did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?

Good moaning.  I was pissing by when I heard two shats.

Down with General Thumb!

Thanks @avclub-190071dea4715a5e87a558322d086cf8:disqus , I do make an effort.

(In best Sideshow Mel voice:)  The AV Club is reviewing Gilmore Girls?  My mouse cannot move quickly enough to activate the 'Follow' button!

My first thought was OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD

Pas ce soir, @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus ?

It's always easier to tell a country what to do if you're not actually from there.

Miniseries?  Is that another height joke?

How Coarse-ican of you.

Kate Beaton to the rescue once again!