
Despite being a contemparory of hers I had forgotten about Winona until recently. Man, Heathers was so cool.

While tripping on some seriously good Dutch acid once, I watched a doublebill of Flash Gordon and Showgirls. It was easily one of the greatest nights of my life.

till the second season then
I loved every minute of this show. Can't wait for the next round.

I know. I was ready for the standard 20's tune then…creepiness.

The Tin Woodman is my favorite character of the year.

that crack about Mary Cassatt
Photograph dude, you are a wanker.

Warren G Harding in da house
I can spend hours bloviating!

The funniest thing about Worker & Parasite for me, is that I've seen cartoons EXACTLY LIKE THAT.

Battle Picture Weekly, especially Charley's War and Johnny Red.

You can all stay the fuck away for all I care. We already have too many douches.



Actually it's an Australian union that has member here. So yeah.

I am one Kiwi who is so sick of this shit. I've begun to feel spiteful and kind of hope the movie never gets made, just to thwart the dickheads Colonel Gentleman mentioned.

I find myself in exact agreement with cameleopard. I collected the first one too, it was just as great.

Midnight Express is no "true-life story", it's bullshit racism and Turk-bashing. Stone filmed it in fucking Greece, using Greek actors. It's considered a major insult in Turkey. Perhaps it's a good example of how fucked-up Hollywood sees the world.

Crap I just posted that. Oh well, I'll take care of him with my trusty…er, er, um, er, uh, hmm.

I'm sure you kids know me best as Sergeant Fatso Judson in "From Here to Eternity"!

Jeez don't you have anything better to do, Mel Gibson?

I would ah like to respond to ah that question with ah another glib remark.