
You mean the one with Crista Flanagan?

Titus Andronicus is a weak play - Will's freshman copycat slasher piece, cashing in on the "Spanish tragedy" craze of the day. But Taymor turned it into of the finest adaptations of the Bard put on film.

I played Civ1 on a Playstation with no memory card, from go to whoa. Thirty-six continuous hours.

Empty threats. PJ learned long ago to hit the panic button when he wasn't getting his way, and expects everyone falls into line.

Yeah Penguin, that was cool.

She died as she lived, surrounded by the people she answered phones for.

oh man, I r dumb.

Leonard 6
Murphy has given up LONG before Harlem Nights

Bob, short for Kate.

Atkinson - as he himself has admitted - has only two characters: the sarcastic Blackadder and bumbling Bean. All of this roles and standup acts fall somewhere between these two poles.

Blankenship's gags. Goddamn that woman is a turn-on.

Depends which universe you speak of. Noir takes place in -7207, not -616. The 1602 Peter Parquhar is far older.

"I know it's trite, but we could visit the bridges of Madison County"

We pop up on the AV Club far too often these days. It discomfits me.

Funny really. Back in the day I didn't notice the animation - I just thought this was a warped and dark cartoon my adolescent mind loved.

Both films are interesting to watch if you're so stoned you can't move away from the screen.

goddamn cultural appropriation
Stop stealing my national heritage Japan! You didn't succeed with the NZ Story and you won't with this!

Any word on what David McCallum makes of this?

They filmed this round my way when I was growing up. I know of a junkpile where several portions of the Battletruck are rusting.

That little post-coital exchange
"My goodness!"
"I know!"