
We can't stop the dancing chicken.
The chicken won't stop dancing.

Bad parents and/or their children, teenagers, the physically or mentally ill, vocal commentators, obvilious yakkers, and the bored should all be banned from ever seeing a movie. Everyone's nightmare experiences seem to revolve around one or some of these BASTARDS.

Great movie. I love the bit where all the mafiosi go on about how Carlito "looks Italian".

A week or so ago somebody wondered if the AVClub was turning into CNDB. Judging by tibber's planitive query, we are not working hard enough people.

Durst wears his cap the right way round now; in a bizarre scientific anomaly, this has actually increased his douchebaggery a thousandfold.

That's the problem; she is such an icon that only a truly motherrucking awesome film would suffice; anything less would be career suicide. Another major issue is her continuity. The scripting process would be a nightmare.

Some superhero comics are, and some aren't.

Kudos to Meander for the Hoff ref. You were not alone.

Red Son is a good read; I noted that, no matter what reality, Wonder Woman will always get tied up.

Ultimates was all about providing a gateway into Marvel, for kids who preferred Playstation and the movies. Hence lots of shiny explosions and celebrity cameos. It's good fun as a superhero caper, with no claim to any kind of high-mindedness.

I jumped feet-first into following Marvel about five years back, and finnaly caught up recently. Absorbing all that backstory is just part of the geekery.

It was huge dude. The main thing being it was an interpretation of a significant NZ novel, so it had the whole 'This Is A Serious Movie' gravitas. Also, everyone loved Keisha, especially for the impact she had overseas - getting an Oscar nomination 'n' all.

Without this film. WITHOUT, I said.

@Signal30 - her new identity and career were not discovered until the film's release. She was outed by some neighbours.

Changed A Lotta Things Here In NZ
With this film, there probably would have been no LoTR - and no world-dominating film industry. Also, it made my homegirl Mel pretty famous.

I just want to hurry up, see the damn thing, and get all this over with. Then finally life can resume.

Like Stomper said, the aliens in the boot in "Repo Man" would be my pick.

I'd plug for either "Seven Cities Of Gold" or "PHM Pegasus". Those were the days.

seems cool, but-
MAME is all you could want, re:retro gaming.

Among many other great things, Ms Weisz is the only reason to see Stealing Beauty.