Watercest is wrong

What you did there, I saw it. Once in a while I try to slip that phrase into conversations with random people and hope they get the reference. Tragically it happens more often then you'd think

What you did there, I saw it. Once in a while I try to slip that phrase into conversations with random people and hope they get the reference. Tragically it happens more often then you'd think

I'm slightly left of Bush, the real Bush which I am happy to see you mentioned in you're post bellow mine in response to Arsenio.Personally I'm a fiscal conservative who believes the Invisable Hand generally knows what to do, but needs some guidance at times and needs to be slapped when it gets to grabby.
 I was too

I'm slightly left of Bush, the real Bush which I am happy to see you mentioned in you're post bellow mine in response to Arsenio.Personally I'm a fiscal conservative who believes the Invisable Hand generally knows what to do, but needs some guidance at times and needs to be slapped when it gets to grabby.
 I was too

5 Star Post. I am one of those moderate, Republican Refugees that has been driven out after the party's lunge towards the far right. Seeing Santorum get as far as he did was legitimately terrifying.
Heaven save the GOP

5 Star Post. I am one of those moderate, Republican Refugees that has been driven out after the party's lunge towards the far right. Seeing Santorum get as far as he did was legitimately terrifying.
Heaven save the GOP



This episode perfectly demonstrates Byrkes true calling: trolling the shit out of people who take shipping far, far to seriously.
They truly are gods of trolling, I wouldn't want to go near Tumblr any time soon

Just installed it, looks more complicated then I was expecting but I'll give it a shot, thanks



Now that we're at the end I have to ask: who invented the SIIIIIIIIIIMMMS! meme?

Exactly. This song isn't really that great, but people just subliminally associated it with Seinfeld until it reached pop-cultural mass and propelled Green Day into the mainstream

Ya know, I keep reading this "the creators said Sokka had bending potential" thing, and while I totally believe you, I'd love to see the source

There really should be some sort of scientific method for measuring Eighties-ness. The unit of measurement will of course be called "rads"

I do give them a lot of credit for not talking shit about the movie, real class acts. I know I would go on a Mel Gibson-esque at the very least rant that would get leaked all over the internet if someone destroyed my beautiful life's work as badly as Mr. Tweest did.
More likely I would drown him

There is a theory going around that Hasook was paid to throw the match and that is also why he didn't show up for the second game.
Also, its a shame that he's throwaway character because you don't see many Watertribe characters in either series and most seem to posses a culturally specific gene that makes them fucking

Oh you

Everyone is missing the obvious: Tears