
I wonder if a percentage of those defined as picky eaters, in reality have several subtle food intolerances. There is a genetic condition called Mast Cell Activation where people are hyper limited in their diets because of reactions. This disease doesn't happen overnight. It begins subtly and over time worsens. The

Why spend all that time scraping Oreos? Google FAMOUS Chocolate Wafers.

Just inhaled The OA. Anyone else?

Hi Gwen, I'm a big fan of your family work, but can you please avoid putting spoilers of other shows in your reviews? I haven't gotten to The Affair yet in my catch-up from last night.

I disagree. This was my favorite season. A bit clunky in bits, but so transportive. And for a non-musician/music lover, really made me pay attention and appreciate the artform. Also nice to see some growth on Hai Lai's and the other Maestro's parts.

I almost interned there in college. I wish I had now just so I could have sent those awesome letters!

Why are all the women gone except Hannah?

I know a lot of women, including myself who found solace in the show both before and after the election. Was it perfect? No, but it was damn satisfying. Anna Camp was in her element here. I also enjoyed Joy Bryant's performance. I really hope this gets picked up.

The first thing I noticed about Fern was how stylish and expensive looking her outfits were for someone who worked in nonprofits. Also, her office was pretty chic as well. That's some well thought out continuity right there.

Stupid sexy Flanders!

OR Does it prove the software/hardware prevented her from leaving the park?

Where's Logan? Are we assuming he's dead?

It began at her 21st Birthday party when Emily invited only boys to her party and Dean dumped her in front of them. They kind of all fell for her that night.

Please please please start recapping 3%! Because of this post I am knee-deep in Brazilian dystopia. It's so much better than Maze Runner, etc. So good!

Was anyone else thinking Louise was similar in a lot of ways to River Song? (spoilers and such)

Feels great. Helps to alleviate cramps. 👍

I feel like it's more of a Borderline Personality Disorder type of thing. Bipolar II would also apply though.

I like the actor who plays Jonathan, Michael Cassidy. He's been in a bunch of things and I always wondered why he hadn't broken through yet. He's got a very memorable voice (and face). I'm used to seeing him in the "nice guy" role. It's fun to see him play against type.

I actually felt the opposite. I had no sympathy for Frances until the 9/11 story during couples counseling. And when THC made his first French comment. Then we really get into the depths of his stupidity and culpability.

I missed that line. Was gen implying the techs were literally born to do this job?