
Are we all in agreement that the brother did it to seize power?

Honey, we all do. It's wish fulfillment at this point.

Question: do you think the producers release a list of songs in advance of arrival that they have to memorize or just every week. Same question re: costumes. Are they told exactly what they'll need theme-wise?

Doubtful. Crews are run by unions. I feel like a job is a job is a job in LA.

Hey dude, I got news for you, brains are sexy, uninhibited behavior is sexy, so is youth. Hannah is all three in spades (when drunk). Given this guy is used to dating high maintenance skinny Moms, I bet she's a welcome relief. Plus, she treats him like a person, not an object. I'm sure the same could be said for Ric

I got news for you, it's not about catering to vegetarians, it's about saving the planet. If we can get meat eaters to convert to these types of burgers, we can reduce carbon emissions, save tons of water, and make them healthier in the process. Expect to see much more of this in the future.

I second Sweet/Vicious! It reminded me of VM Season 3, but so much better. Clearly, from a much needed female perspective, writing wise.

The age thing makes sense since yhey are high school sweethearts.

If she was juggling chronic illnesses, then this wouldn't be suspicious at all. Combine ones like fibromyalgia and a severe chronic pain condition such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome- you would need the Adderall to battle the unending fatigue, Xanax to bring you down at night, and fentanyl for the excruciating pain so you

Can we all give it up for Harrison Ford performing surgery on himself scene? Amiright ladies?

"I have psoriasis."

Hey, if it's good enough for Don Draper…

Thank you for reminding me how much I loved this film. One other thing to add is the awesome soundtrack, which introduced me to Billy Bragg. P.S. I always wanted a cat named Big Jeans!

I missed the Trump reference. What was it?

I dunno, I stayed in a hotel in Reykjavik and the room decor was pretty spot on. Room would have been smaller though. Also, the interior of the restaurant reminded me of that famous lobster shack who's name escapes me. The one where the entrance is sort of through the kitchen. Although the northern lights would have

You buried the lede. Ophelia is played by Bryan Cranston's daughter. The Breaking Bad reference was a nod.

If you're still in touch, please forward this link to him/her. There are a bunch of FB groups that can help with the diagnostic process. The disease has only recently been defined by the NIH in the past 5-10 years, so it's difficult to find the right immunologist. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go…

Sure is! I've helped at least 10 patients get diagnosed because it's only just being taught at medical school. Patients are scrambling to get on year-long+ waitlists at the handful of specialists in the country who know how to diagnose and treat it. I don't blame your attitude. I would probably feel the same way if I

You just described Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It can be exacerbated by stress. Basically you become allergic to everything with very few safe foods. Patients are either bean poles or gain a lot of weight rapidly. Mood swings are a part of it due to mast cell activity in the brain brought on by myriad of external